eFlows4HPC General Meeting - Málaga 2023
Inicio: Lunes, 19 junio 13:00
Fin: Martes, 20 junio 14:00 - Avenida de Cervantes, 2, Málaga, España
The European project eFlows4HPC next General Meeting will be held at the University of Málaga (UMA) next 19 and 20 of June 2023. Due to the visit of the Miniter of Universities, Joan Subirat, to the University of Málaga on Monday 19, all spaces of the University in the Rectorado are reserved for this visit. This made us to change the venue for the first day of meeting to the Science Faculty of the UMA. For the second day, the venue for the meeting remains the "Sala de Juntas" at "El Rectorado" of the UMA located at Avenida Cervantes, 2.
How to get from Málaga downtown to the Science Faculty - Details here.
Those participants arriving to Málaga earlier in the morning are welcome to come directly to the Faculty of Science from the airport or train station. A working place will be available for all of them during all the morning. E-mail me (jmacias@uma.es), I will give my mobile number to call me at your arrival.
A provisional agenda can be found here
Wifi access to the participants to the meeting
Getting to Málaga from the airport