Del 20-11-2019 al 22-11-2019
universidad malaga
Organizado por Jorge Macías (EDANYA Group)
Technical Workshop on "Tsunami Model Benchmarking". 20-22 November 2019. Málaga.
The aim of this workshop is two-fold. In one hand, providing some benchmark field examples for modelers and tsunami code developers to verify their tsunami models. Among the test cases to be proposed at least one in the NEAM region and a second one in Chile are our preferred choices. For the NEAM region, Argelia 2013 or Gulf of Cadiz 1969, seem to be a good choice, although any scenario collected in the NEAMBP project ( could be proposed if the required data were available for November this year. In the case of tsunamis with impact in Chile Maule 2010, Tohoku 2011 or Illapel 2015 could be used as benchmark examples.
In the other hand, we would like this workshop would serve to push forward the NEAMBP (NEAM Benchmarking Project) and a similar initiative in Chile whose objective is to openly provide all the neccesary data required to verify tsunami models using field data from events occurring in these two regions.
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09:00 Fecha de inicio
18:00 Fecha de fin
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