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Scientific Schedule ISSP 2018
Day 23 May
17.00 Opening ceremony of the Semina
José Ángel Narváez, Rector of University of Málaga (Spain)
Ana Rosa del Aguila, Dean of Faculty of Social Studies and Work, University of Málaga (Spain)
17.30 Opening conference
Professor PhD. Neil Gilbert, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
“The metrics of poverty: Comparative analysis of US and european measures”
Day 24 May
10:00-11:00: Profesor PhD. Jill Duerr Berrick, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
“Navigating competing principles in child protection practice”
11:00-12:00: Professor PhD. Chaime Marcuello Servós, University of Zaragoza
“The bee, the beehive and social workers: from Welfare State to Care Societies“
12:00-13:00: Professor PhD. Antonio López Peláez, UNED (Spain)
Is Brexit an opportunity? Super-diversity, social work and social policies in a post-brexit environment.
15:00-16:00: Professor PhD. Sofia Dedotsi, University of Northumbria. Vice-Chair fo European Social Work Reseach Association (ESWRA)
"'Anti-social policy" and social work in times of crisis in Greece'
16:00-17:00: Doctoral Candidate Joe Roscoe, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
"Understanding child protection decisions involving parents with mental illness and substance abuse"
Day 25 May
10:00-11:00: Professor PhD. Pablo Álvarez, University Institute of Lisboa (Portugal)
"Children's life in socio-economic-political contexts of austerity measures. Impacts on the construction of a childhood citizenship".
11:00-12:00: Professor PhD. Joaquín Castillo de Mesa, University of Málaga (Spain)
“Rethinking the sustentability of the social welfare. The pension adequacy in the EU”
12:00-13:00: Professor PhD. Ana López Narbona, University of Málaga
“Socio-cultural differences in social exclusión”
07:00 Registration opens
10:00 Starting date
12:00 Registration closes
20:00 Closing date
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